So that's how they call it! I didn't quite know at first what they were when I chanced upon them, it's like a MAXI dress but they're pants instead of dress so, I thought maybe they're called jumpsuits!
I bought 2 of them (orange and blue) last summer and sadly, up until this moment, I haven't worn any of them, yet! (Update: i've worn the orange one, see here). So, imagine my excitement when I realized that jumpsuits are still 'big' in style this fall, so I get a second chance!
I recently googled some for outfit inspiration and what do you know, I gathered a huge selection coz they are everywhere in blogosphere, every fashion and style blogs I found - they're there! So please bear with me as this post is pic-heavy, as usual! But hey, admit it, you're here for the pictures, right?
They're cute and all, but the bad side of those is that you gotta pull the whole thing down when you need to, you know, and you’re like fully naked when you’re sitting on that toilet!
There goes the dilemma of taking off my entire outfit just to pee!
Oh, the trouble you go through for fashion's sake!